Most parents joke about not making it through the baby teething phase unscathed. If babies could speak, they would surely remind mom, dad, and anyone else willing to listen, that cutting baby teeth can be an uncomfortable ordeal! Luckily, Limestone Dental Associates is here to help families navigate baby teething symptoms and provide baby teething remedies to help you all make it through teething more comfortably (and sanely).
Five Typical Baby Teething Symptoms to Watch for
When babies are born, all 20 baby (or primary) teeth are tucked neatly underneath the gum-line. Although baby teething symptoms generally begin between six and 12 months, your child can exhibit teething symptoms as early as three or four months. Signs of teething will vary, but often children will exhibit:
- Drooling
- Sleeping Issues
- Fussiness
- Swollen Gums
Common Questions:
What about symptoms such as baby teething fever, diarrhea, and a rash? While these factors are often brought up during discussions regarding teething, these are NOT typical baby teething symptoms. If your child develops any of these conditions, it’s best to contact your pediatrician.
Simple Steps to Soothe a Teething Baby
While teething can be a bit unnerving for both parents and baby, there are a few simple steps that can help soothe baby teething symptoms. Soothing teething home remedies include:
- Gently rubbing the gums with a clean finger or gauze
- Offering a sanitized toy or teether for baby to chew on
- Taking a clean, damp washcloth to freeze for up to 30 minutes for your child to chew on
Common Questions:
What about soothing baby’s gums with a topical gel containing Benzocaine like Baby Orajel? Over-the-counter anesthetics with the ingredient Benzocaine are used to numb the gums, but according to the FDA, should not be given to any child under the age of two due to risk for a serious disorder called methemoglobinemia. If your baby appears to be in extreme pain, consult your pediatrician or dentist to find out if a mild, child-appropriate pain reliever can be administered.
Best Practices for Baby Teeth
Beginning with the emergence of the first tooth, up to a child’s first birthday is the recommended age for a first dental visit. Even before the first baby tooth appears, parents can set their child up for success by running a clean washcloth or gauze pad over baby’s gums. As more baby teeth emerge, parents can start using a grain-of-rice-size of toothpaste and a child’s toothbrush with soft bristles to help begin the habit of brushing teeth.
At Limestone Dental, we love treating children of all ages. If you’d like to learn more about what baby teething symptoms to watch for or how to help make your baby more comfortable during the teething phase, we’re here to help.
Contact us anytime at 302-307-6407.